NVC Level 2 Intermediate Online Training: Our inner critic
25th Oct 2025 - 26th Oct 2025
9.30am - 1.30pm (London time) including a 30 minute break
£220 - £85 / concessions available
Led by: Cath Burke | Contact Cath

Me, Myself & I: Embodying Self-Empathy For Our Inner Critic Or Self-Saboteur
Many of us come to NVC looking for a way to survive, improve, enjoy our relationships. I know I did. Then I discovered that the most important relationship is the one with myself. This is because when we relate empathically to ourselves we are empowered to calm our reactivity and take responsibility for meeting our needs. When we understand and acknowledge our needs we naturally have more inner resource to face challenging conversations and relationships ‘out there’.
This day will draw on Sarah Peyton’s research into NVC and neuroscience.
“This training was challenging for me as we explored the inner critic which I realise has been a very loud voice for me but one that I often suppress. Making that voice tangible and experiencing it in a different way while offering it empathy was quite a remarkable thing that was unexpected, filled with opportunity and warmth. To then embody this energy and feel safe to do so was very empowering.”
— Charlie, London
“If you think this course isn’t for you because you can’t hear an inner critic – try it … it may just be in disguise! Then, once you know what you are dealing with, you will get some excellent practices to help. ”
— Lisa, Salisbury
You’ll be supported to take away skills to:
precisely name your feelings and needs in relation to a stimulus
identify self-sabotaging behaviours and core beliefs
get familiar with different parts of your inner life, such as the critic, the self, the witness
find your unique empathic voice that’s able to regulate your nervous system
Be warned! Relating to yourself with compassion could lead to a lack of inclination to judge yourself and others and an inability to worry. You may find yourself acting spontaneously rather than from fear-based habits and even enjoying each moment as it comes!
Embodying NVC?
There’ll be an invitation to explore this theme somatically through about 40 minutes of movement and dance. Yep dancing online: it works surprisingly well and, if you’re new to ‘conscious movement’, there is the benefit of being able to try it out in the safety and comfort of your own home. If you’ve never tried ‘conscious’ dance before you are especially welcome. No experience is necessary – you cannot do it wrong! And all ages, body shapes and fitness levels are welcome. Any doubts or queries email or call me for a chat.
Curious About Why Movement & Dance Is Included In An NVC Workshop? Find Out More>>>
“This training day landed at the right moment for me. It has really helped me see to the core of my issues and provide a path for healing. The dance was extremely helpful in this regard and helped me connect mind and body on this journey. It was a groundbreaking weekend for me.”
Individual rates (if you are paying for the training from your own pocket):
If you earn less than £20,000 before tax: £85
If you earn between £20,000 – £30,000 before tax: £130
If you earn between £30,000 – £45,000 before tax: £165
If you earn more than £45,000 before tax: £220
I am willing to dialogue with you if these prices would prevent you from coming. Please contact me here.
Organisational rates (if your employer is paying for your place on the training)
Small Charity rate: £135 (If you work for a charity with fewer than 15 employees).
Public sector / Large Charity rate: £170 (If you work for a public sector organisation, such as a local council or the NHS, or a charity with more than 15 employees).
Private sector rate: £220 (If you work for a profit making company).
Concessions available: if any of the above prices would prevent you from coming, please contact me
“This course was outstandingly good – I thoroughly, thoroughly recommend it. Already it’s had an impact – I’m so much more aware of my inner critic and amazingly more able to soothe it.”
— Jo, London
What is the London NVC Level 2 Intermediate Online Training Programme and who’s it for?
This event is part of the London Level 2 Intermediate Online Training Programme, which is for those who have completed a Level 1 NVC Foundation Training. Do you feel inspired but a bit daunted by the challenge of making NVC part of your everyday life? Completing this programme will help you to become more competent and confident in your capacity to stay in NVC consciousness in a wide range of contexts and environments.
The programme consists of twelve trainings across the course of a year. Each is six hours long over one weekend a month. They are stand-alone, so you can attend as few or as many as you wish. The programme repeats annually so you can join it at any point in the year and carry through until you’ve completed all twelve trainings. If you do this you will have a comprehensive understanding and practice of key NVC processes (e.g. saying no; transforming anger) and current topics (e.g. trauma; power and privilege). This will help you resolve conflicts more easily and create deeper and more satisfying relationships in your life.
The trainings are facilitated by five London-based certified NVC trainers – Cath Burke, Ceri Buckmaster, Carolyn Davies, Daren De Witt and Tracy Seed. We are a collaborative group working together to offer you clear learning and progression options to suit you. We are committed to creating a supportive network for those learning, living and sharing NVC both in London and globally. Many of our trainings are currently online.
We hope you will enjoy the richness of themes that this programme offers, along with the variety that comes from the individual perspective and specialism of each trainer.
To find a list of the other trainings in this programme, follow this link and click on the drop-down menu: “I want to attend the Level 2 Intermediate Training Programme.”
“I completed my foundation training at the end of 2021 and, keen to maintain momentum since then, I’ve attended most of these intermediate training sessions. Without exception, the sessions have been brilliant. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the programme that Cath, Ceri, Tracy, Daren and Carolyn are providing. And, consequently, my NVC practice has seriously developed over this last year – at times with surprisingly amazing results. I wholeheartedly recommend the NVC London level 2 intermediate training programme – just what I needed to build on my foundation training.” – Jo W
“I find these trainings so enriching and empowering. They have also given me the opportunity to meet people in other ways, and I am very grateful for this.” – Hannah
“All the trainings are excellent and they compliment each other very well, building a very beautiful tapestry of interwoven skills and concepts.” – Anna E