Make A Donation to NVC Matters UK

NVC Matters UK is a not- for- profit community interest company, growing awareness in the UK of Nonviolent Communication originated and created by Dr Marshall Rosenberg

We are funded by the sale of resources in our shop, website membership fees, donations from a listening service and directly from YOU.

Our vision is a regenerative world in which power and resources are shared and each persons need’s matter

We would love to receive lump sum payment's to support a specific project and small regular payments that contribute to our activities

We operate with volunteers, specialist consultants and facilitators committed to growing awareness in the UK of Nonviolent Communication, as originated and created by Dr Marshall Rosenberg.

  • £5pm could fund one volunteer to use our Glassfrog software which is vital to collaborate together
  • £10pm could help facilitators who can’t afford to pay full membership fees get a concessionary rate
  • A lump sum of £15,000 could fund IT and administrative support

We welcome all donations however big or small.

If you would like to donate to support our operational expenses please add EX to your payment reference.

If you would like to donate specifically to the Bursary Fund, please add BF to your payment reference.


Our current activities include:

  • Operating this website which connects those who want to learn NVC with those who teach it
  • Supporting people in NVC networks in the UK to live NVC consciousness when conflict arises
  • Training volunteers to work within a collaborative, non-hierachical structure, using Holacracy
  • Leading an annual gathering for NVC Facilitators and enthusiasts


Our expenses include the cost of website design, development and hosting; venue hire for our annual gathering, accountancy, insurance, legal fees; software for operating Holacracy; expenses for volunteers and some trainer and consultancy fees.

Bursary Fund 

Our Bursary Fund is to make NVC consultancy, training and coaching available to those who are not in a position to afford this service. We would really value your support in making this happen!

If you would like to know more about the work  NVC Matters are doing please do get in touch !