NVC Level 1 Foundation Training: 6 Monday evenings online
28th Apr 2025 - 16th Jun 2025
7pm - 9.15pm BST Apr 28th, May 12th, 19th, June 2nd, 9th, 16th
£370 - £160 depending on your income; concessions available
Led by: Cath Burke | Contact Cath

Dates: Apr 28th, May 12th, 19th, June 2nd, 9th, 16th
A 13-hour Level 1 Foundation Training combines theory and practice to give you a solid grounding in the mindset and skills of Nonviolent Communication. It covers the 4 steps of NVC: Observations, Feelings, Needs, Requests and the 3 modes of NVC: listening with empathy, self compassion & honest expression.
You will be invited to practise with imaginary scenarios and your own examples of difficult conversations, interactions and feelings, in a safe and often fun way, through interactive activities in pairs and small groups, and sometimes reflecting individually.
Online courses are limited to 12 (max 15 participants) to increase participation, communication and connection.
“Since the training I feel much more centred in myself, especially in conflicts. I feel much calmer when responding to the other person, now being much more aware of my and the other persons needs.”
— Alice, Belgium
What skills will you learn?
Listening with empathy:
Understanding the deep live-serving motivations driving what someone is saying or doing, even when you don’t like it, or don’t agree with them or they are saying ‘no’ to you
More capacity to stay grounded and open even when under attack
Understanding yourself with compassion:
Understanding your own reactivity & how to calm your nervous system in difficult moments so you can choose how to respond from an empowered place
Being naturally compassionate towards yourself so you can find compassion for others
Speaking to be heard:
Confidence to have difficult conversations that may otherwise be avoided or end badly
Clarity about what you really want and how to ask in a way you’re likely to be heard
Being honest without offending
Learning outcomes
“This training gave me tools that will be immensely powerful in both my personal and professional life. Rather than dreading conflict situations, I now look at them as an opportunity to develop closer connection with others. This is a revolutionary change in perspective and has already been enormously beneficial to my mental health.”
— Karen, London
Individual rates (if you are paying for the training from your own pocket)
These rates are a guideline.
If you earn less than £20,000 before tax: £170
If you earn £20,000 – £30,000 before tax: £230
If you earn £30,000 – £45,000 before tax: £300
If you earn more than £45,000 before tax: £370
I am willing to dialogue with you if these prices would prevent you from coming. Please contact me here.
Organisational rates (if your employer is paying for your place on the training)
Small Charity rate: £270 (If you work for a charity with fewer than 15 employees).
Public sector / Large Charity rate: £320 (If you work for a public sector organisation, such as a local council or the NHS, or a charity with more than 15 employees).
Private sector rate: £400 (If you work for a profit making company).
Concessions available: if any of the above prices would prevent you from coming, please contact me
“I started implementing the way of communicating immediately after the training – at least towards myself – and I can already feel the change. It’s quite incredible. Highly recommended to everyone.”
— Maria, Estonia
Progression Pathway
Cath works closely with London Certified Trainers – Ceri Buckmaster, Carolyn Davies, Daren De Witt and Tracy Seed. We are a collaborative group of London-based CNVC Certified Trainers working together to offer you clear learning and progression options to suit you. We are committed to creating community and a supportive network for those learning, living and sharing NVC in London. Many of our trainings are currently online, so if you live outside of London, you are welcome to participate. Follow this link to discover more