NVC Level 2 Intermediate ONLINE Training: NVC and Anger

9th Aug 2025 - 10th Aug 2025
9.30am to 1pm
£85 - £220

Led by: Daren De Witt | Contact Daren

Bookings and more information


Anger is a powerful and widespread emotion in our culture and NVC has a unique approach to it.  In NVC we define it as a ‘life-alienated emotion’.  The NVC approach to anger differs from the basic NVC model, including an extra step!

During this workshop we will explore how to connect with our anger and ensure that it is expressed in a life affirming way.  We will also explore the range of feelings that often underlie anger.  Finally, we will look at how we can connect with other people when they are angry, either with us or with someone else.

The workshop will be focused on clarifying what anger is and how to work with it from an NVC perspective. Each half-day of the training will include theory input and discussion and one round of practice in small groups of approx 3 participants in break out rooms. The practice session will last approx 1 hour on each half-day.

We will cover the following themes during the training, with either practice or discussion to support each theme:
– The physiology of anger
– Anger as life force
– The unique NVC approach to anger
– Expressing our anger using NVC
– De-escalating an angry person using NVC

NB: If anger is an issue that you struggle with personally in your life, then this training will serve as an introduction to working with your anger from an NVC perspective.  For practice, Daren suggests that you use scenarios from your personal life that are on a scale of 3-5 out of 10, where ‘1’ is ‘very mild’ and ’10’ is ‘very intense’.  The reason for this is to ensure that you are able to practice the skills of NVC in relation to anger, without becoming overwhelmed by the content of your experience.

Daren also works one to one with people as a part of an anger management consultancy that he runs. If you want support to work with your anger in an ongoing way you are welcome to contact Daren to discuss whether and how he could support you.


This workshop is part of the NVC Level 2 Intermediate ONLINE Training Programme (see below for more info).  Participants will be expected to have completed a two day foundation training in NVC, or equivalent.  This will ensure a common foundation for intermediate level engagement and practice.


This training will be facilitated by Daren De Witt.  Daren has been living and practicing NVC since the year 2000 and he has been running an anger management counselling practice in central London for the past 12 years.  Daren trained extensively with Marshall Rosenberg, the creator of NVC, between the years 2000-2006.  He has been a certified trainer with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) since 2003, and has run NVC trainings regularly in London since that time.  As well as sharing his understanding of Marshall’s approach to the themes of this workshop, Daren will also share with you the fruits of his many years of NVC learning, practice and reflection around anger.

Comments from previous particpants on this NVC and Anger training

“Daren, thank you for all you gave to this NVC and Anger workshop. I’m giving gratitude for the sense I felt of having been in a space held and shaped by care, focus, listening, expertise, warmth, patience, acceptance and for the invitation I felt was offered to engage, explore, grow and connect.” – A Edgar, Aug 2023

“The anger workshop was incredibly useful. Daren guided us through the theory and practice in a very supportive way. And I left having a much greater level of competence and a sense of confidence in my ability to handle a challenging emotion. Thank you Daren.” – Phillipa B., Aug 2022

“I really enjoyed Daren’s recent online workshop on anger. His vast experience of both NVC and Anger Management shone through, giving me a huge sense of trust and reassurance that it was safe to start to explore a delicate and complex topic… Through Daren’s humble demeanor and gentle facilitation style I felt safe enough to be honest about my experiences with anger, embrace my vulnerability around the topic and to start the process of examining and unpicking how I can change my approach to expressing and receiving anger… I gained some useful insights that have already had a positive impact on how I communicate within my personal relationships. There’s still a lot of work for me to do but I felt Daren’s workshop was a really useful place to start.” – Martha B., Aug 2021


9.30am till 1pm on Sat 8th & Sun 9th Aug 2025.  There will be a 15 minute tea break mid-morning.
NB. If you can leave space in your diary until 1.15pm on both days, that will support us if we go over the finish time.


If you earn less than £20,000 before tax:  £85
If you earn between £20,000-£30,000 before tax:  £130
If you earn between £30,000-£45,000 before tax:  £165
If you earn more than £45,000 before tax:  £220
Concessions available:  If any of these prices would make it difficult for you to attend, please contact Daren via the contact options below.  He is happy to discuss this with you.

Organisational rates (If your employer is paying for your place on the training):

Small Charity rate:  £135 (If you work for a charity with fewer than 15 employees and they will pay for the training).
Public sector / Large Charity rate:  £170 (If you work for a public sector organisation, such as a local council or the NHS, or a charity with more than 15 employees, and they will pay for the training).
Private sector rate:  £220 (If you work for a profit making company and they will pay for the training).

If any of the above prices would make it difficult for you to attend, please contact Daren – concessions are available.

To book on this training, email Daren De Witt at the following address: nvcresolutions[at]gmail.com

This training is part of the NVC Level 2 Intermediate Training programme.

What is the NVC Level 2 Intermediate ONLINE Training Programme?

The NVC Level 2 Intermediate Online Training Programme costs of 12 individual trainings across the course of a year, one training per month (approx 6 hours per training). Each training stands alone.

To find a list of the other trainings in this programme, follow this link and click on the drop-down menu: “I want to attend the Level 2 Intermediate ONLINE Training Programme.”

The programme repeats annually so you can join it at any point in the year and carry through until you’ve completed all twelve trainings. If you do this you will have a comprehensive understanding and practice of key NVC processes (e.g. saying no; transforming anger) and current topics (e.g. trauma; power and privilege). This will help you resolve conflicts more easily and create deeper and more satisfying relationships in your life.

The trainings are facilitated by six London-based certified NVC trainers – Cath Burke, Ceri Buckmaster, Carolyn Davies, Daren De Witt, Pauline Doohan and Tracy Seed. We are a collaborative group working together to offer you clear learning and progression options to suit you. We are committed to creating a supportive network for those learning, living and sharing NVC both in London and globally. Many of our trainings are currently online. We hope you will enjoy the richness of themes that this programme offers, along with the variety that comes from the individual perspective and specialism of each trainer.

This is what previous participants say:

“I completed my foundation training at the end of 2021 and, keen to maintain momentum since then, I’ve attended most of these intermediate training sessions. Without exception, the sessions have been brilliant. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the programme that Cath, Ceri, Tracy, Daren and Carolyn are providing. And, consequently, my NVC practice has seriously developed over this last year – at times with surprisingly amazing results. I wholeheartedly recommend the NVC London level 2 intermediate training programme – just what I needed to build on my foundation training.” – Jo W

“I find these trainings so enriching and empowering. They have also given me the opportunity to meet people in other ways, and I am very grateful for this.” – Hannah

“All the trainings are excellent and they compliment each other very well, building a very beautiful tapestry of interwoven skills and concepts.” – Anna E