Foundation Training in Nonviolent Communication

12th Sep 2025 - 13th Sep 2025
10am- 5pm

Led by: Shona Cameron | Contact Shona

Bookings and more information


Join NVC trainer Shona Cameron

the Foundations of NVC 

at St Thomas Church in Lancaster, UK.

Friday 12th and Saturday 13th September 2025

10 am- 5 pm

Foundation Training

Program outline

Day One:

  1. Communication we know is possible!
  2. The NVC model
  3. Expressing oneself with honesty
  4. Types of communication which get in the way of connecting with others

Day Two:

  1. Empathy- what it is and how and when it supports connection
  2. Listening to others without hearing blame, judgement and criticism
  3. Bringing the model together, expressing oneself and being ready to listen; the Dance of communication


St Thomas’ Church Centre,

Marton Street

Lancaster, LA1 1XX

Close to Lancaster train station and an hour from Manchester Airport.

Free parking available

**🐥 Early bird code- apply at check out: EarlyBird for 10% off before June 30th  🐥**

Cost:  Booking Form

Individual Rates


Organisation rates

£250: Sole Trader/ Small Charity rate (fewer than 10 employees

£400: Public sector / Large Charity rate (NHS, local Council, large charity, Edu)

£450: Private sector rate.

‘Shona gives me confidence that the essence of Marshall and his teachings lives on. I have great respect for her and her teaching style.’ AS

About Shona

Shona Cameron is a UK based Certified Trainer with The Center for Nonviolent Communication. She has trained internationally for many years as she enjoys travel and exploring what brings us together. Countries she has trained in include, South Korea, Poland, Slovenia, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands and France.
Shona came to Nonviolent Communication while working as an Educational Psychologist. She first trained with Marshall Rosenberg in 2004.

More about Shona

And her Youtube Channel is here.