News, NVC Practice

NVC UK Trainer Gathering: A Newcomer’s Perspective

My first experiences of an annual gathering

An inspiring constellation of Certified Trainers, independent trainers and sharers of NVC in the UK gathered together on the 9-12 Nov 2017 in Gloucestershire. It was my first time to join a gathering for trainer/sharers of NVC and I felt so encouraged to be with the heart of NVC in the UK.

As we forge ahead with our day by day individual NVC work we can sometimes forget that we are part of a flourishing and energetic network of an increasing number of people across the UK who are becoming familiar with NVC and embracing this way of relating at work and at home.

Fun, inspiration, learning and work!

The days began, for some of us, with soulful singing and movement after which Annie Scott, the key organiser of this gathering, opened with an opportunity for self-connection and led us into emergent planning for the day, skillfully assisted by Penny Spawforth and others. What a colourful, informative array of suggestions arose each day.

There were empathy groups, IT Platforms, an intro to Neuroscience and NVC, a Resolving Conflict Workshop, a support group discussion for certification candidates, a Skype connection with the Scottish NVC Community and a special delivery of the Feelings and Needs cards that have been designed by Carolyn Davies and Julian Burton – the proceeds of which will be donated to supporting our shared nvc-uk website/library.

Carolyn Davies

An early session reviewed and celebrated the work carried out by the 2016/7 pilot ‘Weaves’ (see definition below). Later during the weekend new working groups (‘weaves’) were formed and excited discussions were had as the new groups crystallised their intentions and next steps.

What are Weaves you may wonder and what happens in them?

Weave is the term the global NVC Network is moving towards using for common interest groups and project groups, where members gather for different purposes such as developing support for conflict resolution; promoting NVC in the UK; supporting specific groups of people, mentoring etc. We in the UK have decided to become an ‘early adopter’ of the new terms the global movement will be using.

You can find more out about these groups and what they offer on the “hubs of activity” page of the website.Next Annual Gatherin

New Annual Gathering

I was so inspired that I have agreed to head up the organising of the 2018 trainer gathering!!

Whether you are an experience trainer of NVC or new to sharing it, I hope you might be inspired enough by what I have written to come and join us – it will be in Autumn 2018 and every year after this- the dates will be announced on this website when we know them.

Jointly brought to you by  ME – Clare O’Sullivan (Certification Candidate)

with Laura Harvey, Penny Spawforth and Tracy Seed (Certified Trainers).

Here are some other attendee’s comments: 

“The longing to create collaboration and to become more effective was felt to be sincere and passionately held.”

“A good balance of learning, connection and project planning, movement and fun”

“I loved the connections I made and the chance to collaborate with others in the future.“

“I received understanding, care and support and much friendliness.”

“Met my need for care, presence and connection.”

“Gems taking away; self belief, trust in emergent process, link with Scotland, fun, laughter and celebration.“

“I am taking away some possible future collaboration and enhanced confidence.”

“I enjoyed focusing on weaves, what was done in last year and future plans. Time to get in touch with what aspect of sharing NVC is really important and alive for me.”

“Food was wonderful and the spirit of community at meal times was very touching.”

“The weekend in general was inspiring and energising”

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1 thought on “NVC UK Trainer Gathering: A Newcomer’s Perspective”

  1. I enjoyed reading your words Clare and want to acknowledge and appreciate the gifts you brought in leading the singing in the morning. I felt very supported and held by your facilitation. I also felt empowered to sing together in a group. You led in a very clear way so i knew what was happening and what to do. Until next time … x

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