Living NVC and liberation

Laura Harvey

Group Details

Led By: NVC Matters Facilitator
Day of the Week: Tues, Fri and Sat
Time: various
Frequency: 6+ sessions between 21 Jan-8 Feb
Cost: Tiered from £240 with bursaries available
Prerequisite: Foundation Training and one or more Level 2 courses

Contact Details

Laura Harvey


How you are landing into January and the imminent start of a new “term?”

Are you wearied from the months of harrowing news from so many parts of our planet?
Perhaps you’re struck by particular interactions over the holidays which have filled you with hope, exasperation or sadness?
Or maybe you’re connecting with vision, eager for growth or company,  and seeing a space for exploration or experiment…

Would you like to start the year with an injection of practice, community and deeper learning?
The Word Cloud above comes from just such a group, who reflected on what was important to them about a recent Living NVC cohort.

Living NVC and Liberation is about locating the principles and skills you’re aligned with* in your daily life. It’s purpose is to provide gentle support, provocation and accompaniment to help you integrate these learnings
in a predominately violent, fearful and low capacity world. As Gandhi wrote:

is not a garment
to be put on and off at will.
Its seat is in the heart,
and it must be
an inseparable part
of our very being.
In a gentle way,
we can shake the world

This is an opportunity to be part of a bespoke learning community, to deepen your understanding and benefit from the excellent participant : trainer ratios of a small group. There will be guidance, curiosity and empathy aplenty, to strengthen your practices of presence, self-acceptance, discernment, honest self-expression, mourning, dissolving enemy images, living more interdependently, opening to feedback, cultivating vitality and supporting liberatory systems in your work, homes and communities.

You might choose to explore at the level of actions, speech or thought. Wherever your focus, you are likely to experience more congruence between your inner and outer world, and build a more empowered sense of your own agency and choice.

We will work with an awareness of the impacts of systems and power, noticing their role in the lives of the group and of those around us. There will likely also be elements of co-creation as we respond to content which resonates with individual group members.

What’s it like?

Previous participants say:

“Really powerful. This has given me totally practical ways to change my engagement with others. It gave me a vision of the way I would like to be engaging day-to-day with everyone around me.”

“Ongoing fluency building, and connection with a group of practitioners that is inspiring and motivating.
Integration and application of learning as well as stimulus for reflection on my practice of NVC in various settings in my life.”

“Living NVC is a way of staying in touch with the initial wonder of meeting NVC. It has allowed me
to stay true to myself with all of me, warts and all, and hold both myself and others in my life with a
sense of curiosity and patience. It is one way of making sure that the foundations laid in earlier
courses translate into palpable change in my life and relationships with others.“

“A trustworthy setting, and a sense of commitment from an ongoing group engaging in practice together.”

“This helped me pursue what I know is the way forward if I want to live in a world I want to live in.”

“Realising that I do continue to have real choices in life.”

Each group is different and works with new content and its own dynamic, so this is also a rich environment for facilitators and those drawn to learning more about facilitation.

We will meet for 2-3 hour sessions online between 21 January – 8 February. The exact days and times will emerge collaboratively based on the preferences and availabilities of those who sign up.

I have blocked out a number of dates for this work, so if you’re keen to explore joining, here are the dates to save: 21st Jan (2-9pm), 24th & 25th Jan (10-3pm), 28th Jan (10am-9pm), 31st Jan (10-6pm), 1st Feb (10am-6pm), 4th Feb (10am-9pm), 7th Feb (10am-6pm) and 8th Feb (10am-6pm). We will let go of at least three of these dates, as we discern the best combination of meeting times for those involved. Although encouraged, it will not be essential to attend every session if particular dates are too much of a stretch for you.

I look forward to welcoming the group that forms, discovering who this offering speaks to, and answering any questions that will support you in knowing if this is part of your pathway into all that 2025 may hold.

Email: for a booking form and more information.