Practice Group ReferenceHomePractice Group Reference Form This form is for a Facilitator Member of NVC Matters UK to provide a reference for a Supporter Member who wants to create a new practice group and have it listed on the website. Please fill in the form below Facilitator Member First Name(Required)Facilitator Member Last Name(Required)Are you a current Facilitator Member of the NVC-UK website?(Required)If you are NOT a current NVC Matters UK facilitator member, your reference counting will be at the discretion of NVC Matters UK. Yes No Are you a CNVC Certified Trainer(Required) Yes No No, I am a CNVC Certification Candidate Supporter Member First Name(Required)Please give the first name of the person (Supporter Member) for whom you are providing a reference to start a practice group.Supporter Member Last Name(Required)Please give the last name of the person (Supporter Member) for whom you are providing a reference to start a practice group.Supporter Member Email Address(Required) Please name all the ways you know the supporter member.(Required)Do you have any concerns about this person setting up a peer-led NVC Practice group?(Required) I have no concerns Yes I have some concerns I may have some concerns Please give more information about your concerns below(Required)What would need to happen to reduce your concerns? Please be as specific as possible.(Required)Please share any celebrations you have about this proposal to start a practice group.(Required)Are you willing to support this person?(Required)Are you willing to give any support to this person setting the group up? This could simply be a short occasional check in phone call or to be available via email for questions or requests for help. It can also be time-bound? Yes, for 3 months Yes, for 6 months Yes, for 12 months No, not at all Other Ways you may be able to help.(Required)Please share some of the ways you could image being of support. If you selected 'other', please say more here.