NVC In Communities and Organisations

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is about creating resilient relationships and a world where all needs matter. It is used, across the globe, to bring about change in families, communities, small businesses and organisations.

Whether you are an employer, employee, a student, teacher or part of a community group, NVC can support you to work together more effectively. These changes can be at a seemingly small level, for example, helping people find their voice and be heard - right up to radical new ways of organising for a complete systemic change. 

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revitalise your teams
revitalise your teams

NVC can help to build trust between people

Groups with valuable intentions and an important purpose can fail to be effective. One of the reasons for this is  because we are generally not taught how to listen deeper than the judgments we hear nor how to express life servicing needs rather than criticisms. So we can end up misunderstanding each other, viewing others as problematic, obstructive, ineffective and falling short of our goals. NVC can help people learn how to self-regulate when they are reactive; listen genuinely when there is disagreement, and express authentically in ways that make it easier for others to hear and respond with less defensiveness. It can empower people with group facilitation skills that unleash a team’s creativity by ensuring everyone feels heard, respected and psychologically safe.

respond positively to conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of life

NVC can be incredibly effective in pre-empting tensions and bringing about a shift in situations characterised by conflict. NVC training and consultancy can guide people to make agreements to restore broken relationships. It offers a frame for looking at systemic issues relating to every kind of inequality including race, gender, class.

“One of Satya Nadella’s first acts after becoming CEO of Microsoft, was to ask the company’s top executives to read Marshall Rosenberg’s “Nonviolent Communication”, a treatise on empathic collaboration. . . . (ref:fastcompany.com)

respond positively to conflict
inspire innovation and change
inspire innovation and change

NVC is about making life more wonderful for us all

NVC consultants have many skills and specialist experience - consulting, coaching, mentoring and mediating. They are highly trained in offering services to bring empathy into workplace and community settings by supporting people to connect through human needs. When people have the skills for cooperation and they feel at ease to show up as themselves, creativity and innovation flourishes.  "No matter what issue you're facing, NVC will set you up to win every time" Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power

This is what one school and organisation (not in the UK) say about their experiences of NVC

"NVC is a powerful tool for peace and partnership, urgently needed for a less violent, more caring world." - Raine Eisler, The Power of Partnership