Deepening the Foundation + Depression, guilt and shame: caring for our inner jackals (Level 2/Intermediate)

17th May 2025 - 18th May 2025
09.45am - 16:30
£240 for individuals (negotiable for those prevented from coming by cost) £290 for people for self-employed and those for whom the fee is tax deductible £340/£400 for people paid for by their organisation.

Led by: Laura Harvey | Contact Laura

Bookings and more information

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Wrestling with inner judgements takes immense energy and can isolate us from each other and from an empathic connection with ourselves.

Experiences of guilt, shame and/or depression come to most of us, over a lifetime, and create an interior pain which can paralyse. Untransformed, they can seep into our unconscious and affect our relationships with ourselves, our reactions to others and the opportunities we are able to take.

Learning how to liberate ourselves from emotionally draining coping mechanisms can shift us to authentic, life-connected mourning, and a quality of care which allows us to work through depression, and be free to accept shame, guilt and perfectionism for the important messages they are.

This approach:

  • Helps us untangle powerful systemic and personal patterns which can limit and ultimately paralyse us
  • Understand the impact of life-alienated systems on our individual and collective wellbeing
  • Brings compassion to deep-seated thinking that may trigger and exacerbate guilt, shame, depression or perfectionism.

A chance to:

  • Renew and improve the skills learnt in the Foundation Training
  • Understand and mourn the difference between life-aligned and life-alienated systems
  • Cultivate the skills of deep self-empathy
  • Transform the “ugly” pain of judgement into something sweeter
  • Harness NVC principles to access powerful self- understanding

You’ll also:

Have plenty of practice in using the NVC process for working with real-life examples.

Go further in learning about – and using – other NVC “dance” floors to enable you to internalise the process.

Build your ability to select the most effective NVC options to
support your internal work.

Develop your colloquial NVC to increase your sense of authenticity and “naturalness”

Share the experiences you’ve had applying NVC in your life.

Minimum preparation: Completion of 2 day NVC Foundation Training with a CNVC Certified Trainer.

How to Book: Email Laura at for a booking form or more information Or text your email to 07986 581952 with a message.

Our Venue:
Is a peaceful, purpose built training space, within easy reach of the centre of Oxford.
