Listening Hour – online – Sunday 12-1pm
16th Mar 2025 - 16th Mar 2025
free/ donation to NVC matters
Led by: Ceri Buckmaster | Contact Ceri

A weekly 1 hour connection and empathy space currently hosted by people who have experience in NVC, for anyone interested in NVC.
This is not a workshop but a peer listening space to encourage listening.
When is it?
Every Sunday 12-1pm UK time
Who it’s for
Everyone who is interested in NVC is welcome. No need for formal training but it’s great if you have been to some trainings.
Come if you want to practice listening.
Come if you’d enjoy a listening ear.
As it’s a peer listening space, the Listening Hour is not suitable if you are going through significant emotional upheaval or for processing trauma.
What happens
We offer a structure which offers clear guidance to everyone about what to do.
Format (Each host will hold the space in a slightly different way but the overall structure will be the same)
- Check-in
- Breakout into 3s for empathy and listening. (Empathy guidelines will be given and you can respond to the generative question ‘What do you want empathy for or to talk through?’)
- Closing
Self responsibility
This is a reminder that everyone is responsible for themselves and we encourage you to take care of your own emotional safety.
Bear in mind your listening partners aren’t trainers or therapists.
How do I register?
Register here
Please register by 11am on the Saturday before the session, anything after that we may not see your registration.
Please check your spam folder for the email with the zoom link.
Is there any cost?
We’re offering these sessions for free as we’d like to contribute to making empathy support more accessible, especially during these challenging times. Afterwards, if you are moved to do so, and can afford it, we’d be grateful for a donation to our chosen organisation:
NVC Matters (the national organisation for NVC in the UK):
NVC Matters UK CIC
Account number: 65974126
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Reference: LISTHOUR
(The bank details for NVC Matters have changed so please ensure you are depositing to this NEW account.)
Here are our Community standards
Here is our Conflict and grievance process
Here is our Privacy Policy.
Article about the Listening Hour, with personal testimonies
If this is your first time to the listening hour, please listen to this short audio of guidelines
Read here for 3 things to consider in your listening partnerships