Level 2 – Intermediate: NVC for Skillful Conversations about Power

10th May 2025 - 10th May 2025
10-5pm UK time
sliding scale

Led by: Ceri Buckmaster | Contact Ceri

Bookings and more information

Having skillful conversations about power

NVC has the potential to support challenging conversations around power differences and imbalances, but you need awareness of systems themselves and of the ways you can ineffectively utilise NVC strategies and this can actually get in the way.

This is what we will cover

  • Creating a container for doing this work with a group of people coming together for this purpose
  • Body centred, Self-Empathy for exploring situations in which power and privilege play out
  • Creating shared reality around understanding why understanding systems, power and privilege is important?
  • Exploring your own aspects of power and privilege
  • Othering and Centring that happens in communication
  • How do domination systems as Marshall called them (eg white supremacy) affect you?
  • Challenging people’s unconscious bias/ othering/centring without falling into right and wrong or adversarial thinking
  • Roleplay of challenging situations where an aspect of power and privilege is playing out

The session will involve reflection, discussion, practice and role play.

Here is a testimonial from a participant

I’ve done other workshops addressing equality, diversity, inclusion, racism and privilege, but what made this one stand out – and, I think, made it effective – was regularly returning to our somatic and emotional responses and seeing these as important sources of information. I have sometimes felt frozen and afraid of ‘getting it wrong’ when approaching privilege from a cerebral place and the focus on my body helped me to begin to understand a different way of doing this work. (November 2023)