Our Code of Ethics

Last Updated: January 28, 2025

Code of Ethics V4

Changes made 28 Jan 2025

In order to support the purpose and vision of NVC Matters UK CIC, I agree to:

NVC Core Values 

  • Maintain the core values of the NVC process
  • Clearly distinguish NVC from other teachings, concepts, skills, methods or philosophies, even if consistent with NVC
  • If applicable to you, agree to abide by CNVC’s requests for non-CNVC certified trainers to refrain from using the words – NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION: A LANGUAGE OF LIFE; THE CENTER FOR NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION; or CNVC – in headings, titles or subtitles of any marketing you create to advertise your events as outlined on the FAQ: CAN I SHARE NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION IF I AM NOT A CERTIFIED TRAINER?  

NVC UK Network

  • Participate in my local NVC network
  • Work collaboratively rather than competitively with fellow NVC facilitators/trainers in the UK
  • Strongly consider attending the annual gathering for facilitators in the UK – held in November each year

Continued Professional Development

  • A practice of Continued Professional Development (CPD) – a minimum of 5 days learning per year e.g. attending NVC trainings or trainings in modalities that complement NVC
  • Actively seek feedback from participants on my trainings/events
  • Actively seek feedback from my colleagues when I work with them
  • Actively offer my feedback (when appropriate) to support others’ growth and learning

Conflict Engagement

  • Hold an intention that, where possible, I will step towards conflict when it emerges with peers and participants, to play my part in living NVC consciousness as a community
  • If I have reached the limit of my capacity and resources for responding to a conflict, I will ask for support – e.g. by reaching out to another NVC facilitator

Working within the UK Law and Public Safety

  • When working with Children or people defined as Vulnerable Adults ( as defined by the NHS here)  I will ensure there is a Safeguarding Policy in place and that I adhere to it
  • Be compliant with current Data Protection legislation (see: https://www.gov.uk/data-protection)
  • Have current relevant insurance e.g. professional indemnity etc, for all NVC events that I list on the nvc-uk.com website.
  • Have a clear and easily accessible complaints procedure that aligns with NVC Matters UK guidelines. Here is a template you could use/adapt: Complaints Policy Template 

Holding Boundaries

  • Act as a steward of the trust that participants place in me as an NVC Facilitator, trainer, coach (etc) and hold a respectful and non-sexual boundary with people who engage my services and to seek peer support if needed
  • To meet needs for integrity and care for the reputation of NVC and NVC trainers/facilitators: I will abstain from disclosing intimate/romantic feelings and/or sharing sexual intimacy with training participants, private students or clients during the duration of the professional relationship (unless there is a pre-existing relationship) and for a minimum of 3 months after. Although 3 months is an arbitrary length of time, we are hoping that it is long enough to put feelings that arise in the moment between Facilitator /participant into perspective. For example, when a Facilitator and/or participant gets in touch with gratitude/appreciation it might be confused with love, lust or desire in the moment, without the perspective of time and distance. 
  • Should I find myself having intimate, romantic feelings towards one of my participants, I will reach out to at least one experienced NVC facilitator to talk about it.


  • Agree to remain aware and mindful of creating inclusivity, celebrating diversity and maintaining equity and fairness for all participants with regard to their colour, race, religion, health, sexual orientation, gender, age and ability and support participants to make their needs known

Supporting the purpose and vision of NVC Matters UK CIC

    • Assume all liability, financial or otherwise, for accidents and negligence arising from events or training or services that I run and advertise on the NVC Matters UK CIC website.
    • Keep a clear and current ‘head and shoulders’ picture of myself and a bio on my nvc-uk website profile for the public to access. If there are ethical reasons why I am unwilling to agree to this, I will email membership@nvc-uk.com to discuss and see if we can reach a mutual understanding before proceeding with Facilitator membership.
    • Inform myself of the nvc-uk website privacy policy here: https://nvc-uk.com/privacy-policy/
    • Inform myself of the nvc-uk website terms and conditions found here: https://nvc-uk.com/terms-and-conditions-2/
    • Only list events that have NVC as their main focus on the NVC-UK website
    • Agree to NVC Matters UK team members contacting me about membership-relevant matters
    • Let people know about NVC Matters UK and the resources we offer during events that I run
    • Accept that the final decision about my Facilitator Membership will be made by the person who holds the Membership Lead role for NVC Matters UK. The person holding this role, as with all role-holders, has a responsibility to make sure no harm is done to the purpose of the organisation