Penny Spawforth
Name: Penny Spawforth

Location: South West Wales, Wales
I am a CNVC Certified NVC trainer and have been sharing NVC for over 15 years - through trainings, retreats, running camps in England and Wales, and offering mediation/one-to-one support in person and online.
Restorative Conversations
I particularly love supporting couples and people who have reached an impasse in their communication because it is a delight to watch people realise that there is a better way to communicate without giving up on themselves and that when they do, everyone is better off.
I am one of the founding directors of NVC Matters UK - the organisation that runs this nvc-uk website. I have multiple volunteer roles within the organisation and helped set up the non-hierarchical Holacracy system that we operate within.
I am a systems thinker - and enjoy seeing the bigger view - which is reflected in how I work - using an emergent, ‘power-with’ yet firmly facilitated style of holding a group.
When I work, along with using my intuition, I lean into the three main wholistic systems I am trained in for guidance - Alexander Technique, NVC and Permaculture.
My systems thinking way of seeing the world is also why I helped found NVC Matters UK - so that NVC Facilitators in the UK could be supported to collaborate rather than compete for work and people in the UK would have a central hub to find what they need.
If you live in Dyfed (Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion) and want in-person NVC training, group facilitation or conflict support please get in touch via the contact form on my website (click on website link)
Here are some things people have said about my strengths
- "Approachable/relatable" DG
- "Strong facilitation of groups" KB
- "Empathic" and "superb listener" ER
- "You see through all the words and feelings and can see and express a clear, concise, caring overview of what is happening"
- "You care so so much and that is so abundantly obvious in all you do"
- "Courage: you're not afraid to ask those awkward questions or highlight potential hidden agendas and vulnerabilities, and again done with compassionate skill." ML
- "I so appreciate your openness and honesty, clarity and directness as well as empathic holding of tensions and conflicts arising in groups." TS
- "Strength with willingness to show vulnerability" DG
- "I so enjoy your warm clarity. Often when people speak with clarity there is sharp and edgy quality to it - not in your case! PB-S
- " Insightful, providing clarity as well as vulnerable ( and therefore connecting ) honesty." AS
- "Generosity and the capacity to meet folk in the moment completely and exactly as they are"
- "You provide a safe held space for people whilst working live with what is within a group"
- "You have strong yet gentle leadership"
- "You have good time boundaries" KB
- "Compassionate, professional, articulate, rich personal experience as a care partner." MG
- "Excellent facilitation with observation and compassion of individual needs within groups , strong yet gentle leadership." KB
- "Genuine person with clear, concise & compassionate communication skills." CL
- "No nonsense!" MB