EYC NVC Learning & Practice, Wednesdays
Sarah Sims Williams (Floaty Sarah)
Group Details
Led By: NVC Matters Facilitator
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time: 6.15 pm - 8.50 pm
Frequency: 2nd & 4th of the month
Cost: £72 per package of 6, or £15/drop in
Prerequisite: Preference you read first 4 chapters of Marshall Rosenberg's book or watch 3 hour Marshall Rosenberg video (on YouTube)
Contact Details
Sarah Sims Williams (Floaty Sarah)
Each block of 6 sessions (quarter of a year) we work through the NVC process, from different angles, with the focus on trying things out in class. In between there are study suggestions to get the most out of the sessions. A small and intimate group which contributes to needs for closeness, belonging, support.
There is more info about EYC NVC Learning & Practice Group on our website. Marshall’s 3 hour YouTube video is here and here’s some great online resource suggestions. Our YouTube Channel is Escape Your Chains with beginners’ NVC & other collections available to save you hunting.
EYC NVC Learning & Practice Group also has a private message group in which people can ask for support, this helps give a sense of community between sessions. I add relevant links to this group too.
There is an open Telegram group for the same purpose except you don’t need to attend the NVC Learning & Practice Group. If you would like to join that click here.
“I found Sarah’s nvc practises fun and rooted with her enthusiastic way of facilitating which gave me encouragement to continue to attend.”
“I was daunted with nervous expectations to make that first step into an nvc group, however once at my first meeting, I immediately felt settled by Sarah and learnt that my emotions were okay to sit [with] and express with nvc principles.”