Level 2 NVC Intermediate Training – Exploring Power and Privilege with NVC Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th 10am – 1pm
4th Nov 2023 - 5th Nov 2023
10am - 1pm UK time (Saturday and Sunday mornings)
Led by: Ceri Buckmaster | Contact Ceri
NVC has the potential to support challenging conversations around power differences and imbalances, but you need awareness of systems themselves and of the ways you can ineffectively utilise NVC strategies and this can actually get in the way. (For example, if you emphasise ‘everyone’s needs’ too much or at the time when someone with a different social position/perspective than you is expressing hurt, this is not going to be helpful. )
This is what we will cover
- Self-Empathy for exploring situations in which power and privilege play out
- Why is looking at systems, power, privilege important?
- Exploring your own aspects of power and privilege
- Othering and Centring that happens in communication
- How do domination systems as Marshall called them (eg white supremacy) affect you?
- What are the ‘feeling rules’ of domination systems and how does NVC challenge these?
- Challenging people’s unconscious bias/ othering/centring without falling into right and wrong or adversarial thinking
- Roleplay of challenging situations where an aspect of power and privilege is playing out
Here is a 3 minute video about content
This session will have the impact of strengthening your capacity to be an active bystander, act in ways that increase solidarity and begin healing from harmful systemic inequality
- By getting a handle on ways that white supremacy and patriarchy impact everyone, but differently
- By focussing on lived and felt experience of living in the body you live in, in the context of domination systems such as patriarchy and white supremacy
- By acknowledging shame and the stories we hold about how we have responded to oppression and injustice
- By practicing the skill of ‘bringing empathy’ to all of the above.
The session will involve reflection, discussion, practice and role play.
Racial identity is one of the identity experiences that we need to understand and have conversations about and it will come up on this course, if you are Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour (BIPOC) or are from the Global Majority or are racially marginalised in any way AND you would prefer to work in a BIPOC working group in breakouts on racially sensitive questions, you can indicate this on the booking form. You can then choose whether or not to actually do this on the day.
I (Ceri) am white identifying and am working to understand how my racialised identity plays out and how I can mitigate for this. I bring some of this learning as a white person, to this course.
If you have specific issues you need support with, eg mentoring around some work you are involved with, this session might not meet those needs of support. This session would be helpful if you want to discuss and reflect on power and privilege and reflect on how NVC can support you in this reflection and in conversations around this.
Important: Here is some information about money which I hope you will find useful.
Here is a non-directive, suggestion for how to approach the payment options
NVC Level 2 Intermediate Oak Option – £80.00
(Lower Income Option)
NVC Level 2 Intermediate Cedar Option – £120.00
(Lower-Mid Income Option)
NVC Level 2 Intermediate Willow Option – £150.00
(Middle Income Option)
NVC Level 2 Intermediate Cherry Option – £200.00
(If You Have A Comfortable Lifestyle, Regularly Paying A Similar Amount For Course, OR If An Employer Is Paying For This Course.)
You can choose to:
- pay up front
- or pay in 2 installments (50% now and 50% 14 days before the start of the training)
What to do:
Select the price range you want to pay and then on the next screen you will be able to choose whether to pay all up front or in two installment.
If you cannot pay any of these options suggested here:
- Please get in touch to tell me what works for you
- then I’ll give you a discount code so you can pay what is affordable for you.
- once I’ve given you a discount code, please select the lowest price ticket
- then enter the discount code on the next screen that you come to.
- you will then have the option to pay the discounted price in 2 instalments.
Rationale about money:
I work with an appreciation of everyone (unfortunately) having different needs around money.
It’s important to me:
1) that this training is financially accessible for everyone and that your needs arounds sustainability are acknowledged
2) that my energy and work is valued, and my needs for sustainability are acknowledged.
3) that the energy and work of other NVC trainers offering similar trainings is valued and their needs for sustainability are acknowledged. (I don’t want you to choose my training only because this approach to money enables you to ‘pay less” than what other trainers are asking.)
I have worked in this way since 2015 and have found that participants enjoy the option to choose how much they want to pay, that it builds trust and connection. From my perspective, quite magically, I have always received an amount that makes it sustainable for me to put on these trainings.
If you regularly pay for personal development or travel regularly, please contribute something near to what you might pay for a similar course. Of course, sometimes you can’t or there are other needs you have which mean you don’t want to. In the case of uncertainty, please communicate with me. However, I’m not asking anyone to justify their choices to me.
Here is what people say about learning with me.